티스토리 뷰


What was your very first job?(3/3)

So rather than focusing on trying to teach, you know, consistent lessons, I felt it was more important to expose them to a wide variety of language resources and of methods self-study, and things that might inspire them in terms of learning about the culture of Western countries, and learning about slang and practical conversation, and how they can access reading online for free and things like that. So it was more about giving them the resource that they could use rather than forcing them to memorize certain vocabulary or things for a test, which they already had.

Artwork explores digital remembrance after death

Death is final, as most of us know, leaving those of use who survive mostly with memories, photos and the belongings of those whose lives have ended. But now, technology and the Internet may be changing some of death's finality. Your digital imprint can live on even after you die. An artist in Los Angeles, exploring what can be done with the data you leave behind, has created a make-believe company called the Hereafter Institute. It's to show how we can remember the dead in the future, perhaps.

05-12 20:34
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