티스토리 뷰


How often do you dress up?(1/3)

Within my everyday life, I do not get many opportunities to dress up. The only times I do really dress up is if I'm attending a wedding, going to a party or work event, of if I can convince my fiance to take me to a fancy restaurant. However, these occasions do not come around that often. And on a day-to-day basis, I usually dress in a casual style. Perhaps it's due to the fact that I live in Sydney. Australians will tell you that people who live in Melbourne are much more fashionable and dress up more often than people who live in Sydney.

Palestinians would do better economically as an independent state

The new report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development is contending that the Palestinian economy would be twice as large if - as it is now - if there were no Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. Lisa Schlein reports for VOA from Geneva on the report, which says the Palestinians would have a booming economy if they became an independent state. "UNCTAD argues the Palestinian territories have all the makings of a viable state but cannot reach their potential as long as they remain occupied territories."

05-11 18:52
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