티스토리 뷰


What was your very first job?(1/3)

When I was a student in university, I did some part-time tutoring. But I would say my first real job was after I graduated and I moved to Seoul in South Korea to teach English at a high school, at a It was a boys' high school, public boys' high school. And I had never taught in a large classroom before, except through some practicum experience in Japan, which was very short. So this was a very new experience for me and a little overwhelming.

Recipient of first partial face transplant dies

Well, a Frenchwoman who received the world;s first partial face transplant has died. 11 years after the surgery that opened the way for dozens of other transplants worldwide. The Amiens University Hospital in northern France announced Tuesday that Isabbelle Dinoire succumbed to cancer in April. Her family wanted the 49-year-old's death to be kept private. The hospital did not release further details, and it's not clear if her illness was related to the transplant. But heavy use of immunosuppressant drugs had weakened her system.

05-12 07:13
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