티스토리 뷰


[2017.01.06] Dogs

uthline 2017. 1. 6. 07:12

Talk about having a dog as a pet.

Last year, our neighbor's dog gave birth to puppies. We adopted one of them. Our puppy is a Maltese. It's my favorite breed of dog. She was so cute that she was the apple of my eye. I went to a pet shop to buy the basic necessities. I picked up some dog food and treats. The hardest part about adopting a puppy was potty training. It took a long time before our pup was housebroken. We also had to go to the vet several times for vaccination shots. It wasn't so bad, because our vet was very good at her job. Now, a year has passed and our dog is all grown up. However, she still likes to play around, just like when she was a puppy.


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