티스토리 뷰


What do you think of the education system in your country?(2/3)

- Johnny from the USA -

By playing sports or being in theater, a student can learn leadership skills or how to work with a team, which is very important once you have to find a job. A lot of jobs require us to work with someone else, and by playing sports, students get to learn this aspect of life while having fun. In theater, you have to learn your lines by a certain time, which is great since it teaches students about deadlines - without being in a classroom.

One man's aim to reduce plastic packaging waste

The average American throws away approximately 185 pounds of plastic every year. Much of it ends up in the ocean, according to the marine research group Algalita. Almost half is tossed away after just one use. Industrial engineer Paul Tasner spent most of his professional career making blister packs, the plastic casing for consumer products. Then, one day, already on his way to becoming environmentally conscious, he had an epiphany that  changed his life. Jan Sluizer has his story. "Paul Tasner's conversion came at home one day when he was 64."

05-11 14:44
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